The Invisibles against US missile defense

Giorgio Schultze, Spokesperson for New Humanism in Europe, has started a hunger strike.
3.6.2008 - News
European Campaign – No Space Shield
On 1st June 2008, Giorgio Schultze, Spokesperson for New Humanism in Europe, has started a hunger strike, continuing the protest of Jan...

Bruce K. Gagnon: Day 10 of my solidarity hunger strike
3.6.2008 - News
We heard from the Czech Republic today that Jan Tamas and Jan Bednar will end their hunger strike tonight. Others in their country and around the world will then join the strike...

Jan Tamas and Jan Bednar will end their 21 day hunger strike on midnight of June 2nd.
3.6.2008 - News
Jan Tamas and Jan Bednar will end their 21 day hunger strike on midnight of June 2nd. Czech personalities...

Samuel Farber - Brooklyn College of the City University of New York
1.6.2008 - Messages of support
To Jan Tamas and Jan Bednar
I greet your courageous gesture in support of authentic peace and freedom in the European continent.
I wish you the greatest success in your...

Statement of support from Matt Hunter, executive director of Friends for a non-violent world in St. Paul, Minnesota
31.5.2008 - Messages of support
I send heartfelt greetings and thanks to two Czech patriots - Jan Tamas and Jan Bednar.
Their courageous hunger strike inspires us, proving once again the power of nonviolent...

Letter of support from US veteran
31.5.2008 - Messages of support
Mr. Tamas,
I wanted to let you know that you have my support for your protest from here in the U.S. I am an American who does not want anymore U.S. bases created around the...

Co-ordinator of Abolition 2000 Europe support the No Star Wars campaign
31.5.2008 - Messages of support
We support you in this big work you are doing.
Peace is our common goal.
You can put our organisation in strong support to your action.
Dominique Lalanne
chair of...

Bart Staes of European Parlament Greens supports Jan Tamas and Jan Bednar
31.5.2008 - Messages of support
Dear friands,
also I support the action of these two hunger strikers. I have signed the petition.
In the green group of the EP I have raised the matter and have asked that...

From candidate for President of the United States - Green Party
30.5.2008 - Messages of support
From Cynthia McKinney
Dear Jan Tamas and Jan Bednar:
It is impossible for me...

European United Left - Nordic Green Left support Jan Tamas and Jan Bednar
28.5.2008 - Messages of support
Brussels, 27 may 2008
Dear Jan Bednar, dear Jan Tamas,
We want to express you our full support as well as the one of our group, the European United...

Report from Brunswick, Maine on hunger strike vigil
28.5.2008 - News
Day 4 of my solidarity hunger strike
We had seven folks on the windy street today in Brunswick, Maine holding signs and handing out flyers made just for the occasion. It was...

An Open Letter to Jan Tamas and Jan Bednar
27.5.2008 - Messages of support
The world is watching your powerful demonstration of moral and physical courage as you stand for a new structure of peace which challenges the thinking of those who would place...

Jill Gough from CND Wales: the big bully politics is a thing of the past
26.5.2008 - Messages of support
We send you our love and support . This is a bold and brave step. Have no doubt that there are many of us all around the world - and that includes here in Wales who are with you...

From Gail Daneker
26.5.2008 - Messages of support
Dear Jan Tomas and Jan Bednar:
I would like to convey my support for your brave nonviolent resistance to the proposed U.S. radar installation in the Czech Republic and...