The Invisibles against US missile defense

The time has come!
14.6.2009 - News
Montserrat Ponsa i Tarrés, journalist and member of the Culture and Peace Foundation, gives testimony in this article of the reasons that led her to participate in the 1st...

Russia Rejects the Notion of a Joint Missile System in Europe
13.6.2009 - News
MOSCOW — Responding to remarks by Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates, a top Russian diplomat said Thursday that Russia would not collaborate with the United States on missile...

World March meets Arun Gandhi in event in The Hague, the Netherlands
13.6.2009 - News
Netherlands Amsterdam | June 11, 2009
Arun Gandhi, grandson of Mahatma Gandhi, visits an event on Culture for Peace and Nonviolence in the Hague, Netherlands, with the...

Endorsement action for the World March on Coconut Beach in Lomé, Togo
12.6.2009 - News
Togo, Lome | June 11, 2009
20 humanist activists of the World March in Lomé, Togo, call on youth to join the WM in a joint action on Coconut Beach.
On the 7th of June...

Mikhail Gorbachev calls for new American revolution
11.6.2009 - News
Mikhail Gorbachev, the Soviet Union’s last communist general secretary, called for a new American “revolution” — also calling it a “perestroika,” or government...

WM officially launched in Costa Rica
10.6.2009 - News
Costa Rica, San Jose | June 07, 2009
In a presentation to 80 people on the 6th of June The World March was officially launched in Costa Rica, the first country in the world to...

President Vazquez of Uruguay: Peace is everyone's right
9.6.2009 - News
Uruguay Montevideo | June 08, 2009
Dr. Tabare Vazquez, President of Uruguay becomes the latest Latin American president to give his backing to the World...

Federico Mayor Zaragoza launches the World March in his home town
8.6.2009 - News
Spain Tortosa | May 29, 2009
During the third prize-giving of the prizes that bear his name, Federico Mayor Zaragoza encouraged active participation in the World March for...

Unleash the Nuclear-Armed Robo-Bombers: Air Force Researcher
7.6.2009 - News
President Barack Obama may be beating a path toward nuclear disarmament. But that doesn’t mean a strategist can’t dream of new and better ways to maintain a nuclear...

Budapest: a Thumping Heart Marks the End of the Campaign
7.6.2009 - News
Pressenza, Budapest, 2009-06-04
The Hungarian Humanist Party and Politics Can Be Different (LMP) held a closing event of their campaign for the European elections. 600 people...

Space Industrial Complex: The Plans to Build the New Arms Race in Space
6.6.2009 - News
Call for Space related articles for Peace Review Journal
The Global Network has been invited by Peace Review: A Journal of Social Justice, which is published by the...

The Humanist Party demands an end to „European Guantanamos“
6.6.2009 - News
In the European Parliamentary Election campaign, the Humanist Party denounced the “Directive of Shame” and demands that the Spanish Government closes Internment Centres for...

Scotland the Brave! Scotland´s First Minister endorses the March
5.6.2009 - News
United Kingdom Edinburgh, Scotland | 2009 - June - 05
The First Minister of Scotland, Alex Salmond sends his support to the WM affirming his belief in a world without...

World Peace March to start from most peaceful nation on earth
4.6.2009 - News
Global Peace Index gives top ranking to New Zealand, the launching site of the 95-nation peace march.
PressenzaNew York, 2009-06-04New Zealand is the most peaceful nation...

WM representatives meet with the United Nations Office of Disarmament
4.6.2009 - News
United States, New York - June 01, 2009
World March organisers met recently with Sergio Duarte, the United Nations High Representative on Disarmament, and with officials in...