The Invisibles against US missile defense
An Open Letter to Jan Tamas and Jan Bednar

The world is watching your powerful demonstration of moral and physical courage as you stand for a new structure of peace which challenges the thinking of those who would place in Europe new structures of aggression in the name of peace.
As a member of the United States Congress I have repeatedly raised objections to "Star Wars" type technology in my own country. Testimony brought to Congress has demonstrated that the program is riddled with fraud and while it is technically not able to function as a defensive mechanism for the near future, it is being viewed by some in Europe as being an offensive emplacement, that is, the missiles and supporting technical architecture (radar) can enable the execution of an attack.
This, of course, can place areas with such missile and radar emplacements at risk and cause people throughout Europe to object to the policies which would create new offensive platforms in the European community. I can well understand the sentiments which motivate your actions and those of your fellow citizens.
I am in discussions with members of Congress regarding events in the Czech Republic relative to the missile architecture and supporting radar installations. I will keep you apprised of developments here.
In the meantime I wish you both good health. Your hunger strike has already made a major impact in increasing public awareness. Such decisions always come from a place of high moral commitment and you have my utmost respect for your action. I would urge you to consider suspending the hunger strike so that you can meet with full health the challenges which you and your fellow citizens face. Though it is honorable to die for a cause, we need you to live for this one. You have earned already a great measure of high respect for your actions. You have earned the right to lead. Please continue to lead from the fullness of health which supports ongoing action.
With great love, Dennis J. Kucinich, United States Congressman
May 26, 2008
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