The Invisibles against US missile defense

A nuclear weapon free world is the goal for New Zealand
25.9.2008 - News
25 September 2008,
Goff: New Zealand Pushes For Action On Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.
New Zealand alongside more than 30 other countries today urged those who have not signed...

Interview with Bruce Gagnon
25.9.2008 - News
Juha Uski from Humanist Movement in Denmark had in Copenhagen an interview with Bruce Gagnon about nonviolence, peace and disarmament - the themes of the coming World March for...

Implosion in the empire
24.9.2008 - News
The context of this crisis
In these days we are witnessing the deepening of an enormous financial crisis, with it’s epicentre in the USA but with consequences for the...

Catholics across the U.S. to take to the streets Saturday to stop the war in Iraq
23.9.2008 - News
Franciscan priest says it is time to bring the troops home now
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Rev. Joseph Nangle, OFM, of Pax Christi USA (, rallied U.S. Catholics...

European social forum: it's all about NATO
22.9.2008 - News
I arrived in Copenhagen today after spending the last couple of days in Malmo, Sweden for the European Social Forum.
Yesterday afternoon a march was held where 10,000 people...

Women come together to defend the earth
21.9.2008 - News
For a future without military bases or space shields
Luisa Morgantini, EU Parliament VP, organized a meeting in the EU Parliament headquarters, in Brussels, on...

Evo and the Bolivian people confront the racism and hatred of anti-humanism
20.9.2008 - News
The Bolivian opposition did not receive popular support in the recent referendum, being rejected by more than 66% of the votes and neither did they receive international support...

CND broadly welcomes Government-backed study on nuclear abolition
19.9.2008 - News
The Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament today broadly welcomed a new government-funded report in to how nuclear disarmament could be achieved. The study concludes that "nuclear...

European Humanist Forum - The Strength of Nonviolence
18.9.2008 - News
Milan, October 2008
The European Humanist Forum will take place in October 2008 in Milan, the peoples of Europe will meet to work in the...

The New Doctrine of Imperial Right
17.9.2008 - News
Humanitarian Imperialism: The New Doctrine of Imperial Right
Noam Chomsky
Monthly Review, September, 2008
Jean Bricmont’s concept “humanitarian imperialism”...

Nuclear disarmament encouraged by Hiroshima survivor
16.9.2008 - News
Shigeko Sasamori was 13 years old when America dropped “Little Boy” on her hometown of Hiroshima.
“My face was an all black ball, like a basketball,” she said,...

Space for Peace aroud the world
16.9.2008 - News
October 4 – 12, 2008
Keep Space for Peace Week:
International Week of Protest
to Stop the Militarization of Space
October 4 – 12 Local Actions (List Now in...

Keep Space for Peace Week
15.9.2008 - News
Dear Friends,
On October 4-12, 2008 we will again be organizing Keep Space for Peace Week which is an international week of local protest events to stop the weaponization of...

Earthkeeper hero: Dr. Vandana Shiva
14.9.2008 - News
"Let the seed be exhaustless, let it never get exhausted, let it bring forth seed next year." - peasant prayer
by David Kemker
Besides being a physicist, ecologist,...

Rigoberta Menchu: A Call for Wise Judgement
13.9.2008 - News
After careful consideration of today's events, I would like to share the following thoughts:
1. I firmly condemn the horrible terrorist attacks that have taken thousands of...