The Invisibles against US missile defense

5th April: activities during Obama’s visit to Czech Republic
25.3.2009 - News
The Nonviolence Movement, whose members have been active for nearly three years in the struggle to prevent a US military base from being established in the Czech Republic,...

Congress cutting missile defense
25.3.2009 - News
MDA Cuts Likely; Hints of Change.
Two of America’s most powerful defense politicians made clear today that they expect the Missile Defense Agency to change how it has done...

Pope Benedict: Help Us Prevent AIDS
24.3.2009 - News
Last week, on his first visit to Africa, Pope Benedict said that "[AIDS] cannot be overcome through the distribution of condoms, which even aggravates the problems".

Painted bodies to promote March for Peace
23.3.2009 - News
Paraguayan humanists, with their breasts and rear ends covered only with paint, held a manifestation to attract attention on the subject of violence.

Congratulations from Japan to No radar movement
22.3.2009 - News
I'm so happy for the peaceful citizens in Czech Republic.
The efforts and victory by all the poeple engaged in this anti-radar campaign will be our...

Federico Mayor Zaragoza joins the World March for Peace and Nonviolence
21.3.2009 - News
Dear Friends:
I wish to inform you of my decision to join and to actively participate in the World March for Peace and Nonviolence, which is an initiative of the World...

Arms Race in Space
20.3.2009 - News
Editor: John Feffer
The new arms race in space is shaping up to be the largest industrial project in Earth's history. To pay for this project, the aerospace industry has...

Ornette Coleman endorses the World March for Peace
19.3.2009 - News
Ornette Coleman is an American saxophonist, violinist, trumpeter and composer, a Pulitzer Prize winner, and one of the major innovators of the free jazz movement of the 1950s...

Stunning victory for czech opponents of U.S. radar base
18.3.2009 - News
NEW YORK, March 18, 2009 – In a major setback for Pentagon plans to install a U.S. military radar base in the Czech Republic, the Czech government yesterday withdrew, at least...

Mozambique: Carnival of the World March in Maputo
17.3.2009 - News
On saturday March the 14th to the Rua d´arte in Maputo toke place the Carnival to support the World March for Peace and...

Nonviolence movement announces activities during Obama’s visit to Czech Republic
16.3.2009 - News
Press Release of the Nonviolence Movement against the radar.
Prague, Czech Republic, March 16, 2009.
The Nonviolence Movement, whose members have been active for nearly...

NATO's Global Mission Creep
16.3.2009 - News
NATO, the main overseas arm of the U.S. military-industrial complex, just keeps expanding. Its original raison d’être, the supposedly menacing Soviet bloc, has been dead for...

Pentagon's Unwanted Projects in Earmarks
15.3.2009 - News
When President Obama promised Wednesday to attack defense spending that he considers wasteful and inefficient, he opened a fight with key lawmakers from his own party.

Tomgram: Frida Berrigan, How Shovel-Ready Is the Pentagon?
15.3.2009 - News
President Obama has recently threatened to rescind the "blank check" the Bush administration offered to big defense contractors. So now is the time when all that planning by...

Towards the World March
14.3.2009 - News
The World March for Peace and Nonviolence was celebrated in CEIP Joan Salvat Papasseit de Mollet del Vallès (Barcelona)....