The Invisibles against US missile defense
Giorgio Schultze, Spokesperson for New Humanism in Europe, has started a hunger strike.

European Campaign – No Space Shield
On 1st June 2008, Giorgio Schultze, Spokesperson for New Humanism in Europe, has started a hunger strike, continuing the protest of Jan Tamas and Jan Bednar, who have had to interrupt their fast after 18 days due to the detioration of their health.
The protest against the US space shield is broadening across the world. Today, Giorgio Schultze joins Jan Tamas and Jan Bednar in Prague, Federica Fratini and Edoardo Calizza in Rome, Dino Mancarella in Trieste, Ivan Marchetti and Andrea Casa in Turin, Joaquin Valenzuela in Bologna, Jose Alvarez in Ferrol, Spain, Dr Hassan Nayeb Hashem in Austria, Bruce Gagnon in Brunswick, Maine, USA, Sung-Hee Choi in New York, Gareth Smith in Australia and many others who since the 13th May have fasted and organised initiatives to denouce the situation and raise awareness.
“This is a nonviolent protext to denounce one of the greatest situations of violence of the present moment” explains Schultze. “The silent threat of a new Cold War, a crazy arms race unleashed by the United States’s plan to install anti-missile bases in the heart of Europe – Czech Republic and Poland – which constitutes in reality, an attack weapon and the first step to control and militarise space. All of this with the complicit silence of governments that require secret agreements and continue negotiations with the United States despite the opposition of the vast majority of the population as is happening in the Czech Republic. From the start of this protest messages of support and solidarity have arrived from across the planet (see and I would like to highlight among those giving their support the MEPs Giulietto Chiesa, Luisa Morgantini, Roberto Musacchio, Vittorio Agnoletto and the Nordic Green Left Alliance (NGLA) who are distancing themselves from the silence of the European Parliament regarding this issue. I consider it fundamental that the European Parliament takes a position on this, therefore on the 12th and 13th June I will go to Brussels with a European delegation on the occasion of the Agora on climate issues and I will ask for a meeting with the President and Vice-President and a plenary session in order to explain the position of this vast protest movement against the shield, with the aim of stopping this dangerous project that puts in danger the peace and co-existence of our peoples”
We don’t want new military bases of foreign powers on European soil nor the expansion of those already in existence. We want the dismantling of all nuclear arsenals.
Supporters: Giorgio Schultze, Dario Fo e Franca Rame, Giulietto Chiesa, MEP, Luisa Morgantini, Vice-President of the European Parliament, Vittorio Agnoletto, MEP. Nordic Green Left, Roberto Musacchio , MEP - Nichi Vendola, Lidia Menapace, writer and ex-senator, Alex Zanotelli, Luciano Muhlbauer - Prc, Piero Maestri, provincial councillor Critical Left, Milan, Basilio Rizzo, Milan Municipal Councillor, World Without Wars, The Centre of Cultures, The Community for Human Development, The Humanist Party, Unaltromondo onlus, Sviluppo Umano, Cammini aperti, Rete Lilliput (Vicenza), Sinistra Critica (Trieste), Rifondazione Comunista (Trieste), Tavola della Pace del Friuli Venezia Giulia, Artists against the war (Trieste), Arci (Trieste), Dennis Visioli ,Trieste, Alfonso Navarra, League for unilateral disarmament, Mariella Cao, Comitato sardo Gettiamo le Basi, Alessandro Rizzo, Berretti Bianchi, Rete No War Roma e Lazio, Comitato promotore Legge di iniziativa popolare sui trattati internazionali, le basi e le servitù militari, Rete semprecontrolaguerra, Disarmiamoli, U.S. Citizens for Peace & Justice (Roma), MIR (Vicenza), Dialogar(t)e, Quintessenza Radio e TV, Sinistra Critica (nazionale), Humanists for the Environment, Humanists of the World, Antonia Sani - WILPF Italia (International League for peace and freedom), Comitato pace disarmo e smilitarizzazione Campania, Movimento Nonviolento e Movimento Internazionale della Riconciliazione (MIR-MN) di Piemonte e Valle d'Aosta, Alfio Nicotra, Comitato di Gestione Nazionale Prc e resp. nazionale Dipartimento Pace Prc, Prc nazionale, , Marilde Provera - ex deputata di Rifondazione Comunista, Tavola della pace, Ugo Montecchi (Già dirigente della FIOM-C.G.I.L.,della Camera del Lavoro di Genova), Lorenzo Baldo, Giusepp ina Catalano, Eros Tetti (artisti per la nonviolenza), Giancarla Perelli, Filiberto Zaratti - Assessore all'ambiente e alla Cooperazione tra i popoli della Regione Lazio, Celluloid Liberation Front, Francesco Rizzati - consigliere comunale di Milano, Comunisti Italiani
More information:
Barbara De Luca, tel. 349 6451211
Franca Banti, tel. 3357792718
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