The Invisibles against US missile defense

Militarising space: The Fallujah fallacy
11.9.2009 - News
Tuesday, 08 September 2009
The Pentagon has made remarkable strides in militarisation of space this year, but its techno-schemes are built on the...

30 percent increase in military spending in South America last year
11.9.2009 - News
South American countries spent more than US$51billion dollars in defense in 2008, almost 30% more than last year, according to a study carried out by the Centro de Estudios...

Pets for Peace and Nonviolence
11.9.2009 - News
Venezuela Caracas | September 08, 2009
700 pets with colourful outfits and accompanied by their owners will march for Peace and Nonviolence in Caracas.
The WM...

Antipodes for Peace
10.9.2009 - News
Spain Alaejos | September 03, 2009
Alaejos, the Spanish town diametrically opposed to Wellington, is promoting a campaign that links the two peace cities to support the start...

UN Security Council Heads of State urged to "promote tangible steps" to a nuclear-weapon-free-world
9.9.2009 - News
With the upcoming special session of the UN Security Council on September 24 approaching, Abolition 2000 calls on world leaders, “to focus attention and promote tangible steps...

Financing the World March through donated kilometres
8.9.2009 - News
A letter aimed towards endorsers of the World March has been sent by the International Spokesperson for the World March for Peace and Nonviolence, Rafael de la Rubia, asking for...

Jordan's Queen Noor sees chance for global nuclear disarmament
8.9.2009 - News
Queen Noor: US-Russian agreement will encourage all other nuclear powers to follow suit.
AMMAN - The world now has the best chance in a long time to achieve nuclear...

XXIst United Nations Conference on Disarmament Issues: main conclusions targeted reduction of the nuclear arsenal
8.9.2009 - News
From August 26 to 28, the XXIst United Nations Conference on Disarmament Issues - one of the most important forums for dialogue on nuclear non-proliferation - took place in the...

Jody Williams: „Landmines are killing after war“
7.9.2009 - News
It is a mistake to think that certain problems do not concern us, only because they happen thousands of miles away from us and affect people we have never met, or whom we...

U.S. World Militarization Continues to Escalate
7.9.2009 - News
U.S. World Militarization Continues to Escalate
by Arn Specter, Phila. September 7, 2009 (Twitter and )
United States Militarization continues to make the...

Costa Rica’s Minister of Education Endorses the World March
7.9.2009 - News
Minister of Education, Dr. Leonardo Garnier Rímolo, demonstrates his support endorsing and organizing activities in the file of education for the World March. Dr. Rímolo...

Fiji suspended from Commonwealth because of refusal to hold elections
6.9.2009 - News
The 53-member Commonwealth voted to fully suspend Fiji because it has failed to schedule elections by October of 2010. The Commonwealth objects to the decision by the government...

Jew elected to Fatah Revolutionary Council
5.9.2009 - News
The official list published Saturday of winners in elections to the Revolutionary Council of the Palestinian Fatah movement included 67-year-old Dr. Uri Davis, a Jerusalem-born...

Collapse Of US Could Begin In Two Months
4.9.2009 - News
Russian Professor: Collapse Of America Could Begin In Two Months
Paul Joseph Watson
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Russian Professor Igor Panarin...

The World March @ Bondi Beach
4.9.2009 - News
Australia Sydney | August 28, 2009
Details have arrived from Australia about the planned events for the World March.
On the 4th of October WM activists will meet on...