The Invisibles against US missile defense

D`Escoto: UN en route to renovation
4.9.2009 - News
The United Nations (UN) is en route to its renovation because its current structure doesn’t respond to worldwide reality, declared to the ABI the president of this organization,...

Historic apology to aboriginal people in Australia: an example to the world
4.9.2009 - News
On February, 2008, an official apology to aboriginal people was issued by the government of Australia, for their past mistreatments, for the stolen generations, for breaking their...

First sentences for forced disappearance of people in Guatemala
3.9.2009 - News
31 August 2009. The Trial Court of Chimaltenango ordered the immediate arrest of Felipe Cusanero Coj, the ex military commissioner responsible for the disappearance of six...

Nuclear Abolition Flame lit in Hiroshima – brought back to New Zealand
3.9.2009 - News
On August 5, Waitakere Mayor Bob Harvey lit a Nuclear Abolition Torch from the Peace Flame in Hiroshima in preparation for its being carried around the world on the World March...

Chilean National Association of Professional Football joins the World March
3.9.2009 - News
Chile Santiago | September 02, 2009
This Tuesday, the president of the Chilean Football body signed an agreement with World without Wars. The World March will be advertised...

Miramar, one more city to join the project for world peace
3.9.2009 - News
Miramar is a coastal resort where thousands of Argentinians choose to spend their summer vacations. It is located 50 km from the world-renowned city of Mar del Plata. Its Mayor,...

Sarah Onyango „Obama“ endorses the World March
2.9.2009 - News
The grandmother of the President of the United States of America over the weekend endorsed the World March for Peace and Nonviolence which is due to start on October 2nd 2009 in...

UN named Evo „Global Defender of Mother Earth“
2.9.2009 - News
The United Nations General Assembly awarded President Evo Morales a medal and scroll, naming him “Global Defender of Mother Earth". The ceremony took place at the Palacio...

Should drones be part of BNAS reuse?
1.9.2009 - News
Northrop Grumman personnel ready a visiting unmanned Global Hawk aircraft for takeoff at Brunswick Naval Air Station on Friday. A pilot from Patrol and Reconnaissance Wing 5,...

Madagascar power-sharing talks collapse
1.9.2009 - News
Crisis talks to end months of political instability in Madagascar have collapsed as the parties failed to agree who should hold key posts in a transitional government. Ousted...

UNASUR: „We have decided to construct a mutual commitment to defence and peace, rejecting the use of force against another State“
1.9.2009 - News
The main subject at the summit was the installation of US bases in Colombia. Alvaro Uribe defended the decision to allow them in order to combat drug-trafficking, while President...

Keep Space for Peace Week
31.8.2009 - News
October 3-10, 2009
Keep Space for Peace Week:
International Week of Protest to
Stop the Militarization of Space
No Weapons in Space
No Use of Space for Drone...

A just and lasting peace is possible between Palestinians and Israelis
30.8.2009 - News
Chief Palestinian Negotiator, Saeb Erakat, said today, 25th August, that a just and lasting peace between Palestinians and Israelis was possible. “International law and United...

The Base Team is on the Web - Donate a kilometre
30.8.2009 - News
A new section has been released on the international website presenting the members that will do the symbolic journey from New Zealand to Argentina.
The Base Team is an...

Evo Morales Declares his Opposition to the Establishment of Military Bases and Proposes a Referendum
30.8.2009 - News
At the summit of the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) to be held in the city of Bariloche, Argentina, Evo Morales, the President of Bolivia, will propose a continental...