The Invisibles against US missile defense

Security Council Passes Resolution to Limit Nuclear Proliferation
27.9.2009 - News
The U.S.-drafted resolution called for further efforts to achieve "a world without nuclear weapons.” But critics of the resolution said it failed to include mandatory...

Czech humanists welcome Obama’s plan to cancel missile defense enlargement
26.9.2009 - News
Press release of the Humanist Movement in the Czech Republic. Prague, September 17, 2009
Members of the Humanist movement welcome the decision of US president Barack Obama to...

Costa Rica Creates Department of Peace
26.9.2009 - News
On Monday, September 14, the Costa Rican legislature passed a law changing the name of the country’s justice ministry to the Ministry of Justice and Peace, making the...

The first kilometers marked by Montserrat Ponsa, member of the base team
26.9.2009 - News
Montserrat Ponsa, member of the base team, has begun the World March in her hometown, L'Ametlla del Vallès (Barcelona), before leaving for New Zealand. Journalist and the only...

Violence in Honduras Rapidly Augments
25.9.2009 - News
After Manuel Zelaya took refuge in the Brazilian embassy in Honduras, the de facto government unleashed a strong chain of increasingly violent actions. With tear gas and mustard...

Keep Space for Peace Week
24.9.2009 - News
October 3-10, 2009
Keep Space for Peace Week: International Week of Protest to Stop the Militarization of Space
No Missile Defense,
No Use of Space for Drone Wars,

2nd International Congress of Communication for Peace „Communication as a Dynamic of Social Transformation“
24.9.2009 - News
Between the 21st and 24th of September, the 2nd International Congress of Communication for Peace took place in at the University of Santo Tomás, Bogota, with the objective of...

President Rafael Correa of Ecuador Endorses the World March for Peace and Nonviolence
23.9.2009 - News
Through a public declaration broadcast through TV to the Ecuadorian people, President Rafael Correa let his endorsement and support be known for this planetary mobilisation for...

Cate Blanchett and Andrew Upton endorse the World March for Peace and Nonviolence
22.9.2009 - News
Cate Blanchett and Andrew Upton have joined hundreds of other prominent voices around the globe in support of the forthcoming World March for Peace and Nonviolence, a symbolic...

Bolivia, the non-violent revolution
22.9.2009 - News
In this article, the author analyses some of the factors that establish the “Bolivian Process”, led by President Evo Morales, as a peaceful, non-violent humanist process. A...

The World March in Bahrain
21.9.2009 - News
Bahrain Manama | September 21, 2009
World March organisers in Bahrain are preparing for their events on the 7th of October. The island Kingdom of 791,000 people is in the...

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: We don´t need nuclear weapons
20.9.2009 - News
Only hours after President´s Obama policy change to abandon the missile defence shield, iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said to NBC News´Ann Curry that Iran has no need...

Obama drops missile defence shield in Europe
19.9.2009 - News
Barack Obama has abandoned the controversial Pentagon plan to build a missile defence system in Europe. The plan had long tensed the relations with Russia. It also represents an...

Support for Obama in suspending the anti-missile shield
18.9.2009 - News
Today, the 17th September 2009, with just a few days to go before the start of the World March for Peace and Nonviolence, US President, Barack...

Statement of Jan Tamas on the suspension of the Missile Defense project in Central Europe
17.9.2009 - News
Today is a big day that represents a new era in international relations; relations that were during the recent years poisoned with continuous armament and conflicts, with...