The Invisibles against US missile defense
European United Left - Nordic Green Left support Jan Tamas and Jan Bednar

Brussels, 27 may 2008
Dear Jan Bednar, dear Jan Tamas,
We want to express you our full support as well as the one of our group, the European United Left/Nordic Green Left (GUE/NGL), in the European Parliament, in your struggle against any foreign military implementation in the Czech Republic.
The success of your petition nearing the 100 000 signatures, and the opposition of 70% of the Czech citizens to this implementation proves the willingness of the Czech people not to accept to be part of this relaunch of any arm race as well as we do.
However, despite the rightness of your cause we invite you to continue your struggle by other means than your hunger-strike as it starts to seriously affect your health.
With our best solidarity wishes,
Francis WURTZ

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