The Invisibles against US missile defense
From Gail Daneker

Dear Jan Tomas and Jan Bednar:
I would like to convey my support for your brave nonviolent resistance to the proposed U.S. radar installation in the Czech Republic and your insistence that a national discussion and referendum on the issue be held.
Above my desk is a black and white photo of Wenceslas Square in 1989, full of students and lit candles. Next to it is a picture of my friends Wally and Juanita Nelson -- deeply committed pacifists and pioneer practitioners in non-violent resistance to injustice, aggression and war. Your brave actions remain true to their legacy of non-violent resistance from below. Be assured that activists in the Twin Cities are engaged in opposition to new US bases in Central and Eastern Europe.
Thank you both.
Gail Daneker
St. Paul, Minnesota
Gail Daneker is a peace, environmental and justice activist who is based in St. Paul, MN. She is co-editor with Charles Geisler of Property and Values:Alternatives to Public and Private Ownership. Gail was formerly a co-director of the Campaign for Peace and Democracy. The Twin Cities mentioned in the message are St Paul and Minneapolis
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