The Invisibles against US missile defense
Scotland the Brave! Scotland´s First Minister endorses the March
5.6.2009 -

United Kingdom Edinburgh, Scotland | 2009 - June - 05
The First Minister of Scotland, Alex Salmond sends his support to the WM affirming his belief in a world without nuclear weapons.----
Scotland, a small country in the north of the island of Great Britain and several hundred surrounding islands, is a country of 5 million people which is home to the UK's nuclear weapons fleet at the Faslane Naval base.
The current government of Scotland is headed by Mr Salmond whose party has consistently fought against nuclear weapons. The Faslane naval base is only 25 miles west of the city of Glasgow with a population of 2.3 million in the metropolitan area.
UK Governments based in London have consistently ignored the clamour from Scotland for these weapons to be removed from their territory.
Mr Salmond said in his letter to World March organisers in New Zealand, "The Scottish Government firmly believes in a world without nuclear weapons and we are pleased to give our endorsement to your efforts".
This endorsement joins others from Scotland, noticeably the Faslane Peace Camp protesters and Bill Kidd the Member of the Scottish Parliament who endorsed the World March during the Abolition 2000 meeting in New York last month.
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