The Invisibles against US missile defense
The Humanist Party demands an end to „European Guantanamos“
6.6.2009 - PRESSENZA - Víctor Rodríguez

In the European Parliamentary Election campaign, the Humanist Party denounced the “Directive of Shame” and demands that the Spanish Government closes Internment Centres for Foreigners.
Pressenza, Madrid, 2009-06-03
The Humanist Party denounced European policy on immigration, with a demonstration in front of the Internment Centre in the Madrid neighbourhood of Aluche. Their candidate, Nacho Martinez, was firm in condemning the serious erosion of the human rights of immigrants.

“We are here, outraged, to ask for the immediate closure of these ‘European Guantanamos’, and to ask for the repeal of the Immigration Law, the Directive of Shame, and the many other European laws that restrict the rights of immigrants.
With this in mind, we are campaigning for the right of immigrants to vote and to be elected”, Martinez affirmed.
With the slogan “For a Europe without violence”, the Humanist Party is presenting itself, as in previous occasions, with the same proposals in various countries of the continent.
So, the basic points on which this election are being fought are the strengthening of dialogue between different cultures, the denunciation of the erosion of social rights, an end to the use of psycho-active drugs on children and youth, and a push for alternative energy sources.
In addition, Martinez advocated for nuclear disarmament, the withdrawal from NATO and the withdrawal of troops from occupied territories and he manifested his support for the international initiative “the World March for Peace and Nonviolence.”
Also present was Pau Segado, spokesperson for the Humanist Movement in Spain. Segado denounced the fact that “we are going through a big economic crisis that was caused by the banks and financial speculation, and now some people want us to believe that the crisis is the fault of the immigrants.
Or that at least now we have problems we must expel them so that the rest can have their basic rights assured.”
Pressenza, Madrid, 2009-06-03
The Humanist Party denounced European policy on immigration, with a demonstration in front of the Internment Centre in the Madrid neighbourhood of Aluche. Their candidate, Nacho Martinez, was firm in condemning the serious erosion of the human rights of immigrants.

“We are here, outraged, to ask for the immediate closure of these ‘European Guantanamos’, and to ask for the repeal of the Immigration Law, the Directive of Shame, and the many other European laws that restrict the rights of immigrants.
With this in mind, we are campaigning for the right of immigrants to vote and to be elected”, Martinez affirmed.
With the slogan “For a Europe without violence”, the Humanist Party is presenting itself, as in previous occasions, with the same proposals in various countries of the continent.
So, the basic points on which this election are being fought are the strengthening of dialogue between different cultures, the denunciation of the erosion of social rights, an end to the use of psycho-active drugs on children and youth, and a push for alternative energy sources.
In addition, Martinez advocated for nuclear disarmament, the withdrawal from NATO and the withdrawal of troops from occupied territories and he manifested his support for the international initiative “the World March for Peace and Nonviolence.”
Also present was Pau Segado, spokesperson for the Humanist Movement in Spain. Segado denounced the fact that “we are going through a big economic crisis that was caused by the banks and financial speculation, and now some people want us to believe that the crisis is the fault of the immigrants.
Or that at least now we have problems we must expel them so that the rest can have their basic rights assured.”
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