The Invisibles against US missile defense
Federico Mayor Zaragoza joins the World March for Peace and Nonviolence

Dear Friends:
I wish to inform you of my decision to join and to actively participate in the World March for Peace and Nonviolence, which is an initiative of the World Without Wars Association.
I am attaching data and contact information for Aurora Marquina and Rafael de la Rubia, sponsors of this magnificent project.
Several reasons have prompted me to join this initiative:
- I am sure that this is the right moment in history to promote a vast popular mobilization in favor of a worldwide radical change (financial, social, environmental, nutritional and ethical…) to achieve the transition from a culture of imposition, violence and war to a culture of dialogue, conciliation and peace, from force to the word; from a war economy to an economy of global development, including the erradication of poverty and alienation.
A march with these characteristics would contribute to rapidly creating a conscience of peace in and among peoples, who must cease to be passive spectators and become the tireless protagonists of solidarity. It is time to awaken the Rosa Parker that we all have deep down inside.
- I believe that the time has come to participate in an action that will unite all men and women who have dedicated their lives to building a culture of peace, whatever their role may have been, and to enable them to span the globe, raising their voices and proclaiming justice, freedom and the equal dignity of all human beings, so that they may be heard by all, and particularly by world leaders, parliamentarians, those in power… who being aware of what is at risk, may likewise be prompted to participate in the transformation that we advocate. From the onset and in each place, it is essential to be able to count on the participation of singers, orchestras, performers, athletes, actors… who due to their popularity have the power to mobilize people.
- Today, modern communications technology enables us for the first time to use distance participation techniques (SMS, Internet). Let’s put them to use. Let us forever remember the words of Burke: “Nobody makes a greater mistake than those who do nothing because they think they could only do a little!” No one can harvest the fruits of seeds that didn’t have the courage to plant. Let us invent the future and prompt a rapid evolution. Between evolution and revolution there is only the “r” of responsibility.
- Paraphrasing Federico García Lorca, this march will undoubtedly prompt a “spiritual explosion” that will contribute to achieving the possible world we all dream.
These are some of my reasons. I ask for your collaboration.
Attached are direct links so that you can join the march, as well as the phone numbers and email addresses of the promoters with whom I am in contact.
Kind regards,
Federico Mayor.
-Aurora Marquina
World Without Wars (World March)
Phone: +34 916544956, Cell: +34 616 505 609
-Rafael de la Rubia
International Coordinator World March
Phone: +34 665 827 072
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