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Chilean National Association of Professional Football joins the World March

3.9.2009 -

Chile Santiago | September 02, 2009

This Tuesday, the president of the Chilean Football body signed an agreement with World without Wars. The World March will be advertised in all Chilean football matches. 

During the meeting that took place at ANFP offices, ANFP declared the "second round of the championship as a time of Nonviolence in football"

Taking advantage of the echo that the Chilean national team and Chilean football in general have, representatives of World without Wars met with the ANFP president Harold Mayne-Nicholls who gave his support to publicise the campaign that will take place during the culmination of the World March.

The agreement "commits the CFA to publicise the worldwide activity of the World March for Peace and Nonviolence through football matches happening during the second round of the National Championships".

The CFA declared that "the second round championship matches will be a time of Nonviolence in Football".

Witness to the ceremony were Governor of the Santiago Region, Igor Garafulic, and President of the Professional Footballers Unions, Carlos Soto.
El Mercurio

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