The Invisibles against US missile defense
Antipodes for Peace

Spain Alaejos | September 03, 2009
Alaejos, the Spanish town diametrically opposed to Wellington, is promoting a campaign that links the two peace cities to support the start of the World March in the New Zealand capital.
Carlos Mangas Nieto, Mayor of Alaejos (Valladolid), on behalf of the council has launched a campaign called "Alaejos-Wellington, antipodes for Peace" given that Alaejos is antipodal to the city in New Zealand. Also, during the March's passage they will name a street in the town "Peace and Nonviolence Walk".
The town has distributed leaflets in which the March's aims are explained, with local adaptation: "to revive a social consciousness in our community, with special emphasis on the new generations about the need to reject all violence no matter what kind it may be.
The community is actively participating in promoting initiatives such as "establishing a relationship with Wellington, to collaborate together in the success of the March". Thus they are hoping that by twinning the two cities it may be a symbol to connect "the planet from our two points that are as remote in distance as they are close in the common objective of world peace".
Other projects are being prepared: workshops, exhibitions, conferences, fair trade market, Marches through neighbouring towns, Salamanca-Valladolid bicycle march, an audiovisual show and a concert.
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