The Invisibles against US missile defense
Statement of Jan Tamas on the suspension of the Missile Defense project in Central Europe

Today is a big day that represents a new era in international relations; relations that were during the recent years poisoned with continuous armament and conflicts, with unilateral actions and disrespect for the will of ordinary people.
The 70% of Czechs are celebrating; it feels like a liberation day here in Prague. Today is a big victory for nonviolence.
At the same time we are very cautiously watching the reaction of powerful people, who for a long time have been proponents of the project and who probably have personal interest in the establishment of these new military bases in Central Europe.
We understand that the real threat today comes not from national states, but rather from economic and military-industry power groups that operate outside of any state control and could escalate international tensions any time.
We express our full support for president Obama in all his disarmament efforts, especially in the area of nuclear disarmament.
The struggle has been a very intense one and was carried forward by humanists and many other organizations around the world. We thank you all for all your support.
We hope that this victory will be a positive example for all the movements in Europe and around the world that are opposing the military bases and the militarist agenda in general.
This success is a good-luck wish to The World March for Peace and Non violence that will begin in just a few days, on October 2 and that will unite people from around the world in the struggle for a better tomorrow.
See you all during the March!
Jan Tamas
President of the Humanist Party
Leader of non-violent movement against US base in the Czech Republic
Prague, September 17, 2009
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