The Invisibles against US missile defense
Keep Space for Peace Week Protests planned worldwide

CONTACT: Bruce Gagnon +1 (207) 443-9502
On October 4-12 a week of local protest actions to Keep Space for Peace will be held worldwide.
Each fall the Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space organizes Keep Space for Peace Week: International Days of Protest to Stop the Militarization of Space. These events are intended to help educate the public about the need to prevent the arms race from moving into the heavens.
According to Global
Network Coordinator Bruce Gagnon, “The space week protests
represent the largest grassroots global expression against moving the
arms race into space. With current U.S. plans to deploy Star Wars
radar in the Czech Republic and ‘missile defense’ deployments in
Poland, a new costly and destabilizing arms race in space is
underway. The U.S. has long said that it intends to ‘control and
dominate’ space and ‘deny’ other nations access to space giving
it the ability to control the Earth. The Pentagon calls it ‘Full
Spectrum Dominance.’ As the U.S. and NATO now move eastward to
militarily surround Russia with space technology we see the emergence
of a new Cold War that will only benefit the global war machine and
make life more insecure for all the people.”
The October 4-12 actions are being co-sponsored by the Women’s International League for Peace & Freedom and Europe for Peace and will be endorsed by groups all over the world. Protests are expected at city centers, U.S. embassies, key space related factories and military bases in the U.S., throughout Europe, Latin America, Australia, India, and the Asian-Pacific region. Educational forums will be held inside churches, schools and colleges, and space related videos would be extensively shown.
Czech activist, Dana Feminova, a leader of Europe for Peace says, “Here in Europe we can see and feel the rising tensions as the U.S. deploys space warfare systems near Russia and attempts to drag our governments along into this new Cold War. We’ve been here before and do not want to return. We are working hard to build opposition to Star Wars by educating the people on this continent and beyond. Keep Space for Peace Week gives us a chance to unite with people all over the world. We must act now while we still have time.”
The list of Space Week protest sites will be regularly updated. To see the list of actions check the web sites of any of the sponsoring groups or
to Editors & Assignment Desks:
Actual Pentagon Space Command plans for "control and domination"
of space can seen by clicking:
Use this link to view the Space Week poster:
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Third international conference “Star Wars: myth or reality? The US missile shield from the perspective of long-term European security”

Letter of Giorgio Schultze to czech ambassadors in European contries

From Sung-Hee: solidarity report on June 26, 2008