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Aktuální zprávy najdete na:

The Invisibles against US missile defense

Photos from 22nd June

Last update: July 4, 2008.

Total: 52

The Czech Republic: Praha, Brno, Kolín, Olomouc, Vlašim, Ostrava, Třebíč
Italy: Pistoia, Attigliano, Torino, Milano, Florencie, Rome, Bergamo, Formia
Germany: Berlin, Koln, Munich
Spain: Malaga, Madrid, Albacete, Valencia, Barcellona, Velladolid, Coruña
Greece: Athens
Hungary: Budapest
UK: London, Menwith Hill
Denmark: Copenhagen
Belgium: Bruxelles
The Netherlands: Amsterdam, Nijmegen
France: Marseilles, Toulouse, Paris
Iceland: Reykjavik

North America
USA: New York, St. Paul, Brunswick, Blue Hill, Albuquerque, Santa Monica, Los Angeles
Canada: Toronto

South America
Bolivia: Cochabamba
Mexico: Guadalajara, Mexico City
Ecuador: Quito
Argentina: Santa Rosa

Mozambique: Maputo
Guinea: Conakry-Camayene, Conakry-Tanene, Conakry-bambeto

Mexico City (Mexico)

Mexico Mexico

Conakry - Camayenne (Guinea)

Conakry Camayenne

Conakry - Tanene (Guinea)

Conakry - Tanene

Conakry - Bambeto (Guinea)

Conakry Bambeto

Třebíč (Czech Republic)

Třebíč Třebíč

Ostrava (Czech Republic)

Ostrava Ostrava

Maputo (Mozambique)

Maputo Maputo

Coruña (Spain)

Coruña Coruña

Los Angeles (USA - California)

Los Angeles Los Angeles

Vlašim (Czech Republic)

Vlašim Vlašim

Formia (Italy)

Formia Formia

Bergamo (Italy)

Bergamo Bergamo

Paris (France)

Paříž Paříž

Valladolid (Spain)

Velladolid Velladolid

Barcellona (Spain)


Santa Monica (USA - California)

Santa Monica Santa Monica

Santa Rosa (Argentina)

Santa Rosa

Prague (Czech Republic)

Praha Praha

Olomouc (Czech Republic)

Olomouc Olomouc

Quito (Ecuador)

Quito Quito

Toulouse (France)

Toulouse Toulouse

Marseilles (France)

Marseilles Marseilles

Albuquerque (New Mexico - USA)


Blue Hill (Nebraska - USA)

Blue Hill

Brunswick (Maine - USA)


Malaga (Spain)

Malaga Malaga

London (United Kingdom)

Londýn Londýn

St. Paul (Minnesota - USA)

St. Paul St. Paul

Koln (Germany)

Kolín nad Rýnem Kolín nad Rýnem

Menwith Hill (United Kingdom)

Menwith Hill

Berlin (Germany)

Berlín Berlín

Copenhagen (Denmark)


Nijmegen (The Netherlands)


Budapest (Hungary)

Budapešť Budapešť

Kolín (Czech Republic)


New York (USA)

New York New York

Attigliano (Italy)


Cochabamba (Bolivia)

Cochabamba Cochabamba

Bruxelles (Belgium)

Bruxelles Bruxelles

Pistoia (Italy)

Pistoia Pistoia

Toronto (Canada)


Athens (Greece)

We were in a very central point of Athens, we collected many signatures for the petition, and we had the support of 2 local organizations. On a banner, where was written: "NO star wars" we called the people who signed the petition, to stick a piece of paper with a slogan, a wish, a feeling for peace. We will have our first article tomorrow in a very known greek newspaper! The atmosphere was really really nice and warm and gave us a good feedback to continue our actions with more strength!

Atény Atény Atény

Brno (Czech Republic)

Brno Brno Brno

Torino (Italy)

Here in Turin – Italy, we wore signs (like sandwich) and each sign had a letter in order to create the: NO STAR SHIELD. It was very visible and many people stopped and asked us information. We walked through the main Squares of the city. Besides this we have collected more signature.


Madrid (Spain)

Apoyo a la jornada mundial de Huelga de hambre por parte de 11 personas. Recogida de firmas para la campaña durante el día. Performance con paraguas en diversos puntos céntricos de la ciudad en varios momentos del día. A partir de las 19.00h, concentracion y pequeña marcha conjunta por el centro, de todos los frentes vinculados a la organización.

Madrid Madrid

Albacete (Spain)

Desde las 9h hasta las 20h se ha hecho una recogida de firmas y una huelga de hambre en apoyo a la campaña europa dice no al escudo estelar. Se ha estado informando a la gente del proyecto del escudo estelar y se ha finalizado el acto con un pedido por el desarme. Iniciaron el acto unas 12 personas y durante el transcurso del acto se ha ido sumando más gente. Ha habido participantes en pijama, un participante trajo una guitarra y estuvimos cantando canciones con lo que fue un acto muy ameno y con fuerza y con el que la gente que paseaba por la plaza en la que estabamos se acercaban a informarse y mostrar su apoyo.

Albacette Albacette

Amsterdam (The Netherlands)

In Amsterdam 12 people participated throughout the day in the worldwide action against the US Space Shield project in Europe. We all had signs on our bodies and we put many images and information on the trees around the central table. We gathered 140 signatures, mostly from Dutch people but also from people from other countries. Our action place was at the entrance of the Vondel Park in the center of Amsterdam. The atmosphere was wonderfull and dynamic and we had many good talks with the signers, who all were very concerned about the aggressive US plans in Europe. Many agreed on difusing the campaign further in their direct environments. People from Women for Peace came visiting us and informed us that they had spread our comunications through their network and national newsletter and would urge again their members to sign the petition. From the media who had phoned us days before the action, nobody came, as was expected.

Amsterdam Amsterdam

Munich (Germany)

We made a Hungerstrike for one day with a table in the entrance of a big public garden. We were collecting e-mail adresses from the people, who wanted to support the online petition. 81 people signed.

Mnichov Mnichov

Milano (Italy)

Umbrellas with the writing NO TO THE SPACE SHIELD, slow march with posters about the World Day of Hunger Strike, music, signatures for the on-line petition, writings on plates, speeches.

Milán Milán Milán

Firenze (Italy)

A Firenze l'appuntamento era in Piazza Repubblica alle ore 12.00. E' venuta anche una troupe della RAI che però è andata via subito perchè non avevamo ancora montato! Abbiamo montato il gazebo, appeso gli striscioni, iniziato a disegnare le lettere "NO SCUDO STELLARE" su una ventina di ombrelli arancioni, preparato il computer per firmare la petizione. Gli scioperanti si sono fatti una foto con un cartello "non mangio un giorno per non mangiarmi le mani domani". Abbiamo sensibilizzato i passanti con volantini sullo scudo spaziale e sul nucleare. Abbiamo registrato un'intervista con Alberto L'Abate, professore all'Università di Firenze impegnato nella ricerca per la pace e la nonviolenza. Hanno aderito una cinquantina di persone alla giornata, conclusasi alle ore 20.00.

Firenze Firenze

Valencia (Spain)

Hoy 22 de Junio realizamos en Valencia, España en el paseo marítimo de la Malvarrosa la actividad prevista sobre el No al Escudo Espacial. En la misma se juntaron firmas y se utilizaron paraguas formando dos frases. Una "No al escudo espacial" y la otra "Europa No Violenta". La actividad fue positiva y con participación de mucha gente que espontáneamente se acercaba a informarse y firmar. El clima fue lúdico y participativo.

Valencia Valencie

Reykjavik (Iceland)

Under a sunny sky we set up a tent in the center of town in Reykjavik. We distributed leaflets and made people aware of our action. All in all 10 people took part in the fast.

Reykjavik Reykjavik

Rome (Italy)

Meeting point at Piazza Navona in the city center. Stand for signing the petition, pygiama protest "let's wake up before it's too late!", open umbrellas with writing "No Star Wars", soccer game, "let's expel nuclear weapons."

Rome Rome

Guadalajara (Mexico)

This Saturday 21st in June at 10 p.m. pm initiate hunger strike 8 persons opposite to the consulate of united states in Guadalajara México, during the day we will do a cultural event opposite to the consulate, we they will inform the happened during the day.

Guadalajara Guadalajara

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