The Invisibles against US missile defense
Today, July 2nd 2008, we have met, in Turin, Vincenzo Chieppa, the President of the European commission for the Region of Piemonte.He received us together with some members of this committee. They are in charge of promoting and spreading the European Union topics, in particular through the schools.
Practically, they organized a press conference. There was a radio and tv team. They made an interview and many photos. During the interview I talked about the 9 anf the 17 July conferences while Chieppa said that he is totally agree with us about disarmament and against the star shield.
This interview will be shown on about 20 regional tv and 50 radios.
Here in Turin – Italy, we wore signs (like sandwich) and each sign had a letter in order to create the: NO STAR SHIELD. It was very visible and many people stopped and asked us information. We walked through the main Squares of the city. Besides this we have collected more signature.
There have been two interviews on local radio and three television interviews ( on two regional channels, and one local channel).
In Turin, Mondo Senza Guerre ( World Without Wars) will be continuing its permanent vigil in the “ Peace Pagoda” from Wednesday 21 May, during the afternoon and evening, to express solidarity with the Czech protest movement.
Participants are fasting in solidarity with the Czech group.¨
On Friday, 23 May, a torchlight procession will be organised at the Pagoda, with meditation for Peace.
The regional secretariat of the MIR-MN ( International Movement for Reconciliation – Non-violent Movement) supports this action against the stellar shield, and is committed to participating in relays in the fast taking place.
Paola Rossi, cell. 334 8968056
Gennaro Cucciniello 340 5821614
A permanent vigil and fasting in Via Garibaldi in Turin - Italy.
“World Without Wars” express its solidarity with the Czech protest movement against the USA Star Wars project. There’s a permanent vigil, day and night, in the city center in Via Garibaldi. The vigil and fasting began this morning, may the 14th, and the participants are taking part in the fasting in solidarity with Jan Tamas and Jan Bednar, who have begun the hunger strike in Prague. Today Ivan Marchetti and Ferdinando Vurchio have participated in the fast.
Paola Rossi, Tel: 0039 334 8968056
Gennaro Cucciniello, Tel: 0039 340 5821614
Sign the petition "No Star Wars" »
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