Svět bez válek a násilí

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Na činnost hnutí Nenásilí navazuje mezinárodní humanistická organizace Svět bez válek a násilí.
Aktuální zprávy najdete na:

The Invisibles against US missile defense


No Star Wars - Guadalajara


This Saturday 21st in June at 10 p.m. pm initiate hunger strike 8 persons opposite to the consulate of united states in Guadalajara México, during the day we will do a cultural event opposite to the consulate, we they will inform the happened during the day.

Guadalajara Guadalajara

Hello friends ¡ We inform them about the second operative one realized
in guadalajara about the campaign of not to the stellar( have had an
interview of television (a local channel of cable that trasmitira next
Sunday the interview). In this occasion we distribute the CD with
informative videoes on the campaign, this way as bracelets with the
direction(address) of the web, and stickers. We will realize this
activity every Saturday in the same place,the councils 255,300 and 36
here in guadalajara.

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