The Invisibles against US missile defense
České Budějovice

On Tuesday 20th May, Šárka Dominová, Lenka Rosková and Pavel Hudeček from České Budějovice started solidarity hunger strike to support Jan Tamáš and Jan Bednář who already hunger strike since 13th May in protest against the U.S. plan to install a missile defense radar base in the Czech Republic.
They decided to join the hunger strike in order to emphasis that the protest of Jan Tamáš and Jan Bednář isn't an isolated activity but has support even in other parts of Czech Republic as well as all around the world.
Contact: Lenka Rosková
Tel.: 00420 608 326 342

Sign the petition "No Star Wars" »
They decided to join the hunger strike in order to emphasis that the protest of Jan Tamáš and Jan Bednář isn't an isolated activity but has support even in other parts of Czech Republic as well as all around the world.
Contact: Lenka Rosková
Tel.: 00420 608 326 342

Sign the petition "No Star Wars" »
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