The Invisibles against US missile defense

We started up the supporting action this Friday 16 at the local of the Raffut, we passed the video 'star wars“ of 10MN, we had invited friends, knowledge. We were a group of fifteen, some signed the petition. We composed a file with different documents from the website, messages of actions of other cities + the photos, this file is very useful for us and informs other persons. Here the planning that we set up by Christophe, Robert, Olivier and Veronique : (We count on the presence of others of course).
The idea is to take the country until the end month.
Sunday 18. Equipment preparation, action broadcasting at a second-hand market with petition signature.
- Monday 19 14H Continuation preparation of equipment
- Wednesday 21 Reports, communiqué sending to the press
- Friday 23 of 9 to 19 (20 o'clock) Action at the place of Capitole (we have the intention to construct missiles in box, banners, signs, if possible with the computer to let sign directly or if is not possible, we let sign on paper and we will ourselves post on-line) 20H videoprojection
- Monday 26. Compilation of a letter for the action '' American Consulate'
- Wednesday 28 days Consulate: we want to organize a demonstration walk from the place of the Capitole to the American Consulate with slogan etc and put back a letter or... What's more of that, we will organize ourselves to assure a permanence during this period to the local with panels of information, the window redecorated and the petition ready to be signed. At the time of the meeting, there were suggestions of contacts fac and other.. we will see for that.
Veronique (Toulouse)

Sign the petition "No Star Wars" »
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