The Invisibles against US missile defense
With our cars dressed with flags, posters and slogans we went today trough Paris in direction of some mass media registered offices in order to make some noise and be heard by them with the intention to get the information about the US nuclear starshied in Europe published.
The Metro newspaper was the first to hear us from their windows and to receive our speaker, Luigi D'aria, who has given hand to hand the press release of the day to the responsable of the redaction. Then AFP (Agence France Press) followed and 20 minutes. Both 20 minutes and Metro are the free daily newspapers the most distributed and read in the subway.
Our caravan of cars has traveled trough the streets of Paris for hours, we were shouting slogans and many people could have heard today our protest against the installation of bases and american nuclear missiles in Poland and Czech Republique.
Today we went with Rafa de la Rubia from World Without Wars (international) at the International exhibition of Peace initiatives in Paris.
We met the coordinator of that event, some important organizations and actors of non-violence in France and in the World.
We have communicate our press release of the day to some of us asking to sign and diffuse the information in their network. The coordinator of the event has said he would discuss the topic with his administration council. Rafa has also met with Mr. Federico Mayor Zaragoza, ex-Director General de la UNESCO.
At 6PM we put our stand near to the place of the exhibition and started our petition signatures again !
The humanist campaign to support the hunger-strike of Jan Tamas and Jan Bednar has started in Paris.
There is a regular information table in Paris planned to stay until May 25. The information table has been opened at Innocents square near Les Halles metro station from 11am to 8pm every day.
We have also obtained a big support from activists in Toulouse, situated in the south of the country.
Luigi D´Aria


Sign the petition "No Star Wars" »
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