The Invisibles against US missile defense

In Amsterdam 12 people participated throughout the day in the worldwide action against the US Space Shield project in Europe. We all had signs on our bodies and we put many images and information on the trees around the central table. We gathered 140 signatures, mostly from Dutch people but also from people from other countries. Our action place was at the entrance of the Vondel Park in the center of Amsterdam. The atmosphere was wonderfull and dynamic and we had many good talks with the signers, who all were very concerned about the aggressive US plans in Europe. Many agreed on difusing the campaign further in their direct environments. People from Women for Peace came visiting us and informed us that they had spread our comunications through their network and national newsletter and would urge again their members to sign the petition. From the media who had phoned us days before the action, nobody came, as was expected.
Today, 22th of May, the humanists in Amsterdam started their streetaction campaign on the central square de Dam. The action was done from 10 am. till 17 pm, by Jan van Overveld and Peter Noordendorp. In the afternoon a third person came to help for some time. We got 40 signatures, all persons highly interested and from different countries. One of the signers was Giselle Boer-Piantodos, an active member of the Union of Concerned Scientists, who will spread the campaign. Many of the signers agreed to spread the campaign in their environment, hives, lists, etc. The reactions were fantastic and we got the impression that the true concern about what is going on in the world is growing. We had many very good talks. This campaign is unifying for sure!
This weekend we have 2 more actions and we willp lan tomorrow actions for next week.
Contact for The Netherlands. Peter Noordendorp -
tel 003120 6938005
We received this e-mail from Humanists from Netherlands about activities thez are doing:
We sent letters to the Prime Minister Mr Jan Peter Balkende, to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, The Chairman of the Parlament and the Political Parties in Parlament.
A letter was also sent to the Ambassador of the Czech Republic in the Netherlands, Mr Petr Mares, communicating the request for a democratic referendum on the issue of the US Military base planned in the Czech Republic.
We are spreading the campaign sending press-releases to the media and we are in contact with others organizations and University students.
Peter Noordendorp
tel: 003120 6938005
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