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Na činnost hnutí Nenásilí navazuje mezinárodní humanistická organizace Svět bez válek a násilí.
Aktuální zprávy najdete na:

The Invisibles against US missile defense



Since Thursday 2 pm. the anti radar campaign continues without a break. Around the clock humanist activists and supporter of the “no to the bases” initiative are present in Berlin at Potsdamer Platz.

On Friday 2 representatives went to the Czech embassy to serve the humanist declaration to the ambassador directly. The secretary at the embassy Jakub Novák received the document and the information about the support campaign.

On Saturday there were an interview with one of the Berlin Humanists at “Radio Lora” from Munich – so far it is not broadcasted.

Contact in Berlin:
Margit Staltmayr
0049 1577 3871406

Hladovka Berlín

Berlin (Germany). Today at 2 pm the humanist campaign to support the hunger strike in Prague has started. Every day two activists are fasting for 24 hours surrounded by friends in the city of Berlin at Potsdamer Platz.

Spokesperson for New Humanism in Germany Michael Steinbach: "The shield is not only the matter of Yes or No of the Czech Government. It is concerning the relationships of the whole world. It will lead to a faster arms race in this critical moment. This is not in the interest of the population of Europe.”

The activists will maintain the support campaign several days around the clock with collecting of signatures, performances and speeches.

Michael Steinbach
Center of cultures, creative rebels
0049 177 738 98 60

080514 Berlin

080514 Berlin

080514 Berlin


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