The Invisibles against US missile defense
Tomas Hirsch
Here we are in front of the United States embassy to register our protest five years after the United States’ invasion of the Iraqi people. An invasion that brought the deaths of millions of people and that had absolutely no justification, not even the lies that were told in that moment, like the links between Saddam Hussein and Al-Qaeda or the weapons of mass destruction.
Chilean people are demonstrating in an action called ‘5 kilometres for peace’ so that this situation may change. But today I want to send a greeting to those organising actions to prevent the United States from installing their bases in Europe, above all in the Czech Republic. The Czechs are a people that has always been for peace and in different moments of their history have known how to mobilise, they have stood up and today when, once again, they are taking the initiative to reject the installation of these United States’ bases, the US radar system on their country’s territory. They have the total backing of Latin American peoples.
I know the actions that have been carried out, I know the tremendous convocation and backing that they have had. I know perfectly well that my friend Noam Chomsky has sent a warm greeting to which I concur. I wish that Europe may really be a continent that, just as it has been able to advance towards integration and towards union, could advance to be a continent of peace and for this the primary and fundamental thing is that no foreign power installs bases than mean running grave risks for the population.
Also here in Latin America we know what this means. There are United States bases in Ecuador, in Colombia, in Panama, in Paraguay and recently there was a military action by the Colombian President in Ecuadorean territory that had the backing of US intelligence and put at risk the whole process of peace and integration in our continent.
So, once again, to all the friends in the Czech Republic, above all the youth, the new generations, the humanists and the people of different organisations, a greeting of great hope with a lot of strength, asking them and wishing for them to continue forward until your country really becomes a country of peace so that no bases are installed and no radar and no military equipment, either of the United States, or any other power that wants war. You, like us, want peace and we are going to continue working intensely for that.
Greetings to you of peace, force and a lot of joy.
Tomas Hirsch
Spokesman of the New Humanism in South America
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