The Invisibles against US missile defense
The country town of Zlin celebrated the World March launch

October 2, the International Day of Nonviolence, was celebrated at the Peace Square in Zlin. The successful, amazing and cheerful event attracted attention of both public and media.
During the afternoon there was a presentation of organizations cooperating on the March. Children could play funny educational games prepared by ADRA - Adventist Development and Relief Agency, one of the biggest charity organizations in the Czech Republic.
People could buy fair trade products from the eco-center Listek or sign a petition of the Freedom for Animals organization. There were also volunteers from Food not Bombs offering vegetarian food.
Various artists performed on the main stage – theatre company Hvizd, juggler Yufi and five music bands. The Elementary School of Rackova presented an exhibition of its pupils’ works.
„We had a great time! The event was accepted warmly,” said the local WM coordinator Katerina Hanacikova. The after-party took place in the Bamboo club and lasted to late hours.
The council of the country town of Zlin had recently officially endorsed the World March. Zlin is one of 14 Czech country towns. It is a capital of Zlinsky region in the center part of Moravia. With its population of over 100 000 people it is the 12th biggest town in the Czech Republic.
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