The Invisibles against US missile defense
Imagine all the people living life in peace… (video news)
4.10.2009 - Pressenza IPA - Loredana Cici
The biggest peace Karaoke! Milan sings
“Imagine all the people living life in peace...” John Lennon’s lyrics for “Imagine” ring out in Milan’s Plaza of the Cathedral, during a giant karaoke session in which all of the local citizens concerned about issues of disarmament and peaceful coexistence had wanted to celebrate the beginning of the first historic World March for Peace and Nonviolence (download video).
Pressenza, Milan, 2009-10-02
Milan wanted to celebrate October 2, 2009 – the anniversary of Gandhi’s birth and the beginning of the World March in Wellington, New Zealand – this way. Barbara Cupisti, Trio Medusa, Emma Re, Giorgio Schultze (European spokesman for the World March), Francesco Sarcina and Giuliano Razzoli also sang at the Plaza.
To download the video in high resolution: Video
Press information: Andrea Lanzarotto • ISM Italy for the World March • Tel. +39-338.2092044 opp. +39-02.733403 • e-mail: - WWW.MARCIAMONDIALE.ORG, section AREA STAMPA
(translation: T.M. Orzolek)
Pressenza IPA

Pressenza, Milan, 2009-10-02
Milan wanted to celebrate October 2, 2009 – the anniversary of Gandhi’s birth and the beginning of the World March in Wellington, New Zealand – this way. Barbara Cupisti, Trio Medusa, Emma Re, Giorgio Schultze (European spokesman for the World March), Francesco Sarcina and Giuliano Razzoli also sang at the Plaza.
To download the video in high resolution: Video
Press information: Andrea Lanzarotto • ISM Italy for the World March • Tel. +39-338.2092044 opp. +39-02.733403 • e-mail: - WWW.MARCIAMONDIALE.ORG, section AREA STAMPA
(translation: T.M. Orzolek)
Pressenza IPA

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