The Invisibles against US missile defense
The World March sets off from Wellington

A crowd of supporters for peace from 5 continents assembled on the 2nd of October in Wellington at the foot of the statue of the Father of the Indian Nation, Mahatma Gandhi, donated by the Indian Council for Cultural Relations. The multitude came, braving the wind and the cold to support the World March for Peace and Nonviolence.
Pressenza, Wellington, 2009-10-02
New Zealand could not have been a better setting for the start of the World March having been the first country to free itself from the yoke of foreign military bases and nuclear weapons. Wellington, particularly as a founder member of “Mayors for Peace”, has been involved for a long time in the promotion of pacifist events. “This march has already made an impression on our consciousness. We are resolute in working for the disappearance of wars and the elimination of violence. This yearning that the majority of human beings have elevated in their hearts since ancient times today is charged with new meaning hence we are able to be in tune as one voice across the planet. Never before have we had an opportunity such as this. This march can become an unprecedented phenomenon that puts us in a new historical moment.” declared Spokesman Rafael de la Rubia in front of an enthusiastic multi-cultural audience.
Around fifteen people spoke including Vice-Mayor Ian McKinnon, Maui Solomon, co-chair of the Hokotehi Moriori Trust, Sam Jackson from the Kaumatua Taranaki Whanui Trust and the President of the NZ Indian Association. Several New Zealand Marchers, among them many young people, had organised a march over 9 days and 207 km to be at this historic occasion with their colleagues from around the world. The New Zealander singer living in France for 40 years, Graeme Allwright, sang the French national anthem “La Marseillaise” in which he has transformed the war-mongering words to words of peace and universal fraternity.
The crowd undertook a march through the significant places of peace in Wellington including the memorial to Yitzhak Rabin and the Nuclear Free Wellington Sign. After this the Marchers were invited to a Concert for Peace given by various artists including the renowned and fabulous “Topp Twins” who got a standing ovation at the end of their set. On this 2nd of October, marches and festivities in solidarity with the World March are being simultaneously launched all around the world.
To download the high resolution video:
Open speech (Spanish)
Open speech (English)
*Translation: Tony Robinson
Pressenza IPA
18 kB, PDF, 4.10.2009
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