The Invisibles against US missile defense
Marching Towards Peace with Nobel Laureates and Umberto Veronesi

Last Wednesday, in Rome, Umberto Veronesi and Luisa Morgantini took part in the presentation of the World March for Peace and Non-violence which will reach the Italian capital on November 12th. A delegation will take part in the World Summit of Nobel Peace Prize Laureates the previous day in Berlin. Silo has been invited to speak.
Pressenza, Rome, 2009-09-25
The World March for Peace and Non-violence was presented last Wednesday, in the Peace Room of the Valentini Palace, seat of the Provincial Council of Rome. Amongst others, Giogio Schultze, European spokesperson for the March, Emanuela Fumagalli, national coordinator, Professor Umberto Veronesi, Luisa Morgantini, ex-vice-president of the European Parliament and Enzo Cursio of the standing secretariat of the World Summit of Nobel Peace Prize Laureates were present at the ceremony.
The March is sponsored by many local institutions and has already obtained the adhesion of 581 associations. Meanwhile, initiatives to celebrate the beginning of the March on October 2nd are proliferating. For further information on adhesions go to
"On the occasion of the 8th World Summit of Nobel Peace Prize Laureates", announced Enzo Cursio on behalf of the standing secretariat of the Summit, "here in Rome the Charter for a World without Violence will be presented. This is a document which enjoys the unanimous adhesion of all the signatories, and which calls for placing mankind at the centre and the prevention of all kinds of violence". A delegation of the World March will embrace the provisions of the Charter on the occasion of the next Summit which will be held in Berlin on the 10th and 11th of November (
"We will counter the senseless and irrational numbers of war", explained Schultze, "with the rational, human numbers of the March. And with this purpose in mind the decision of US President Barack Obama to cancel the so-called European space shield is significant, considering the international tension and waste of economic resources the project involved".
"I am moved by the capacity and determination of those who have been able to carry out the World March project", said Luisa Morgantitni, outgoing Vice-president of the European Parliament, "you have done an extraordinary job to give voice to the rightness of peace. Now the key word for all of us is responsibility. Because war, as my father, a partisan, would say, no matter how you fight it, is disgusting."
"I have also taken part in partisan fighting", declared Umberto Veronesi, director of the European Oncological Association and President of Science for Peace, "and from then on I have turned to peace, but to a militant peace. That's why I am here working for the organization of the World Conference on Science for Peace to be held in Milan on the 20th and 21st of November, open to all Nobel Laureates who share the need to live in peace and favor the development of mankind" (cfr.
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(Translation provided by James Williamson)
Pressenza IPA
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