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Nobel Peace Laureates and the World March

The WM spokesperson in Europe, Giorgio Schultze had a meeting with the “Nobel Peace Laureates”. The group will receive the World March Base Team in Berlin during the Summit that will take place on the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. On this occasion, Silo has been invited to speak about the subject of “peace and nonviolence in the present moment”.
Pressenza, Berlín, 2009-09-11
The spokesperson for the World March (WM) in Europe, Giorgio Schultze held a meeting with the organisation “Permanent Secretariat of Nobel Peace Laureates Summits”, that gathers together Nobel Peace Prize winners.
The meeting between Schultze and Enzo Cursio, Executive Secretary of the organisation, took place in Milan.
The summit takes place in November or December each year. In 2007, Rome was the setting and during that summit the “Charter for a World without Violence” was prepared and signed by 19 Nobel Peace Laureates.
The European Coordinator of the WM said, “the Charter is in perfect harmony with the objectives of the World March”. In particular he highlighted two points: point 3: “It is essential to move without further delay towards the universal and verifiable elimination of nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction” and point 9: “The golden rule of a non-violent world: Treat others as you wish to be treated.”
The meeting lasted over 3 hours in an atmosphere of friendship and enthusiasm. Various points of agreement and reciprocity were defined:
“The Nobel Peace Laureates Summit” will endorse the WM with the signing of a Protocol Agreement signed by 19 Nobel Peace Laureates (of whom 4 have already endorsed in a personal capacity).
The summit in Berlin will take place on the 10th and 11th of November 2009 marking 20 years since the fall of the wall. On the 11th in a central moment of the Summit, they will receive the World March.
Every Nobel Peace Laureate will receive and accompany the WM when it reaches their country (Gorbachev in Moscow, Yunus in Bangladesh, Perez Esquivel in Argentina, etc).
The Charter for a World without Violence will become an integral part of the contents of the World March and will be taken to all meetings with governments for dissemination to local authorities, schools, and the public.
The Charter for a World without Violence and the other official documents of the World March will be presented to the United Nations.
The 19 signatories to the Charter expected at the summit are: Mairead Corrigan Maguire, His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Mikhail Gorbachev, Lech Wałęsa, Frederik Willem De Klerk, Archbishop Desmond Mpilo Tutu, Jody Williams, Shirin Ebadi, Mohamed ElBaradei, John Hume, Carlos Filipe Ximenes Belo, Betty Williams, Muhammad Yunus, Adolfo Perez Esquivel, Wangari Maathai, International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, Red Cross, International Atomic Energy Agency, American Friends Service Committee and the International Peace Bureau.
Pressenza IPA
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