The Invisibles against US missile defense
Germany, France and the United Kingdom want out of Afghanistan

Three of the member countries of NATO want to urgently detail a plan of retreat from Afghanistan; this comes after the latest strike against two tankers at the start of September - implicating the West in the death of civilians. A conference will be held between representatives of the three countries to arrange plans.
Pressenza, Buenos Aires, 2009-09-08
With the aim of addressing the future of Afghanistan, the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, and the British Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, have requested a conference at the highest level after the result is known of the country’s current presidential elections.
It is hoped that in the following days, along with the French President, Nicolas Sarkozy, they will work conjunctly with the aim of constructing a detailed five-year plan that will allow the Afghan government to take on its administrative and security responsibilities, whilst at the same time gradually becoming solvent from international help missions.
Merkel stated that the results of the conference should be reflected in the next Afghanistan treaty.
In order to achieve this, the three countries are seeking the support of the United Nations (UN) as well as the participation of NATO and the United States government.
Although neither the dates nor place of the conference are yet known, Merkel remarked that the three countries are already working to ensure it takes place. There is a sense of urgency following the recent attacks in which the West has been implicated and is in fact currently under investigation following the death of civilians.
(Source: Corresponsal de Paz)
(Translated by Rupert James Spedding)
Pressenza IPA
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