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The Invisibles against US missile defense

Peace and Nonviolence Signs in Preparation for the World March at St. Paul College Students, Philippines

28.8.2009 - - Willa Tecson
High school students of St. Paul College of Pasig City form and document human peace and nonviolence signs as part of their preparation to the World March for Peace and Nonviolence. This is an anticipation of the “Million Human Signs for Peace” campaign which officially starts on September 21 (International Day of Peace) promoted by Genevieve Kupang.

Pressenza, Manila, 2009-08-27

High school students of St. Paul College of Pasig City are forming and documenting human peace and nonviolence signs as part of their study project in the subject of Christian Living.

Her students are currently testing the uploading of pictures to the in anticipation of the “Million Human Signs for Peace” campaign which officially starts on September 21 (International Day of Peace).

This peace initiative was introduced by Genevieve Kupang, a teacher and member of the World March promotion team.

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