The Invisibles against US missile defense
New Picture Gallery of the international press agency Pressenza

United States New York | August 08, 2009
The international press agency Pressenza opened a new picture gallery of the events that took place in different parts of the world on August 6th, in conmemoration of the dropping of atomic bombs on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
A team of very creative and enthusiastic photograpers developped an insight that brings the activities of the World March closer to people, going much further than a simple "registration" of what happened.
The gallery includes more that 100 photos and it is the work of photographers from Pressenza and collaborators, mainly from the Americas and Asia. Another gallery is being prepared with photos from Eurpoe, Africa and the Middle East, coordinated by Pressenza in Europe.
The gallery can be found on:
Pressenza IPA
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