The Invisibles against US missile defense
Hirošima celebration in Prague „Tomorrow Hiroshima Shall Not Perish“
10.8.2009 -

Sixty-four years ago, the first atomic bomb was dropped on the Japanese city of Hiroshima; three days later the scenario repeated in Nagasaki.
Tens of individuals along with several Czech artists gathered on August 5th 2009 in Prague to support World´s March for Peace and Non-Violence, remember the catastrophy and pay their respects to the victims.
Tens of individuals along with several Czech artists gathered on August 5th 2009 in Prague to support World´s March for Peace and Non-Violence, remember the catastrophy and pay their respects to the victims.
The Prague event called “Tomorrow Hiroshima Shall Not Perish“ was accompanied by various performances including a jazz gig and poetry readings. The overall atmosphere brought the audience new prospectives and a positive outlook for the future united under a common cause: atomic disarmament.
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