The Invisibles against US missile defense
Nuclear Weapon Free Areas

Here we publish the complete image of the demarcation map of the world regarding the nuclear weapon free zones, the nuclear weapon free status and the nuclear weapon free geographical regions.
The zones in red correspond to the land territory covered by nuclear weapon free treaties. The zones in blue correspond to the sea territory covered by nuclear weapon free treaties.
Pressenza, New York, 2009-08-01
Treaties establishing nuclear weapon free areas:
Nuclear weapon free zones
1) The 1967 Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean.
2) The 1985 South Pacific Nuclear Free Zone Treaty.
3) The 1995 Treaty on the South East Asia Nuclear Weapon Free Zone.
4) The 1996 African Nuclear Weapon Free Zone Treaty.
5) The 2006 Treaty on the Nuclear Weapon Free Zone in Central Asia.
The treaties establishing the Nuclear Weapon Free Zones, inter alia, ban nuclear weapons within the respective territories of the zones, including the acquisition, possession, placement, testing and use of such weapons.
Nuclear weapon free status
6) In 1992, Mongolia declared its Nuclear Weapon Free Status, which is internationally recognized and prohibits, inter alia, the acquisition, possession, placement, testing and use of nuclear weapons on its territory.
Nuclear weapon free geographical regions
7) The 1959 Antarctic Treaty, inter alia, prohibits and measures of military nature on the continent of Antarctica, including any testing of nuclear weapons.
8) The 1967 Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies, inter alia, prohibits placing nuclear weapons in orbit around Earth, installing or testing these weapons on the Moon and other celestial bodies as well as stationing these weapons in outer space in any other manner.
9) The 1971 Treaty on the Prohibition of the Emplacement of Nuclear Weapons and Other Weapons of Mass Destruction on the Sea-Bed and on the Ocean Floor and in the Subsoil Thereof, inter alia, prohibits the emplacement of nuclear weapons on the bottom of the ocean and in the subsoil thereof. As of 2007, the above nine treaties are at different stages with regard to their signature, ratification and entry into force, as well as with regard to the signature and ratification of their attached protocols requesting assurances from the nuclear weapon States.
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