The Invisibles against US missile defense
“Peace is” photography contest in support of the World March.
9.7.2009 -

Greece Athens | July 08, 2009
A Greek team of World without Wars launched a photography contest to promote and support the goals of the March for Peace and Nonviolence.
On June 12th the photography contest 'Peace is' was officially launched in Athens, Greece. The goal of the contest is to promote the WM by encouraging photographers to submit photos of what they consider, feel and see to be Peace; world peace, social peace, inner peace and all other forms of peace and nonviolence.
The contest has 3 categories: colour photographs, black & white photographs and processed photographs. The creator of the idea, Nikos Stergiou hopes that the end result will be "a mosaic of experiences and deeper values, such as those of peace and nonviolence".
The contest has the aegis of the Hellenic National Commission for UNESCO and a committee will be announcing the winners on World Day for Peace, September 21 2009. The best 60 photographs will then go on tour, to be displayed all over Greece, to raise awareness about the WM.
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