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The Invisibles against US missile defense

Several organisations appear at the Honduras Embassy in Costa Rica

30.6.2009 - PRESSENZA - Ester Previtera
This morning, representatives of social and political organisations – the Patriotic Committee of Paso Ancho, the Bolivarian Circle Yamileth Lopez, the Humanist Party, a few media such as Reuters and Pressenza, as well as citizens conscious of the importance of solidarity with the Honduran people – came to the Embassy to talk with functionaries and express their rejection of the coup d’etat in the neighbouring country.


Pressenza, San José, 2009-06-29

Personnel of the Honduran Embassy showed gratitude for the support shown.

The organisations present resolved to call on their counterpart organisations in Honduras, seeking to establish immediate contact with the media to strengthen communication and support just resistance that refuses to allow a coup d’etat in that country.

There will be voices raised against possible abuses of human rights that Honduran functionaries and their families could suffer, or those who could be subject to persecution and torture.

A call was made not only to Costa Ricans but also to Central and Latin Americans to strengthen bonds and actions, collaborating together with international organisations and States that have expressed their support so that President Manuel Zelaya may continue to exercise his mandate normally.


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