The Invisibles against US missile defense
Chilean Universities for the World March
30.6.2009 -

Chile Santiago | June 27, 2009
The association of all 16 Chilean State Universities decide to back the WM, giving it their full support.----
News has reached World March organisers in Chile of the confirmation of the support of the Consortium of Chilean State Universities (CUECH).
In his letter, President Juan Zolezzi Cid wrote, CUECH "also expresses its willingness to contribute to the development of the March, authorising and facilitating its publicising in the different Universities of this consortium".
The 16 universities that make up the consortium are:
Universidad de Tarapacá - Universidad Arturo Prat - Universidad de Antofagasta - Universidad de Atacama - Universidad de La Serena - Universidad de Valparaíso - Universidad de Playa Ancha de Ciencias de la Educación - Universidad de Santiago de Chile - Universidad de Chile - Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación - Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana - Universidad de Talca - Universidad del Bío-Bío - Universidad de La Frontera - Universidad de Los Lagos - Universidad de Magallanes.
State universities in Chile are recognised for their establishment as institutions not subject to political, religious, economic or any other interests.
Zolezzi Cid, who is also the Rector of the University of Chile, finished his letter by writing, "So, we wish to receive information about the preparation and development of the March at an International level and its passage through Chile and we authorise that our endorsement be made official, published, and disseminated through the media and social ambits of the country and abroad".
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