The Invisibles against US missile defense
Artists from around the world are invited to create a virtual gallery of „art for peace“

Pressenza, Bohumin, 23/06/09
The idea comes from Tania Kaizarova who lives in Bohumin, Czech Republic who contacted organisers recently with her idea for the virtual gallery. Now Tania wants to get the word out around the world to all artists in favour of peace and nonviolence.
The gallery is accessible without registration and authors of art pieces have agreed to present them during activities to support The World March, but not for commercial use and as long as credits are shown. The "Sitback" button in the gallery allows you to see all the pieces in a slideshow.
This virtual exhibition will be presented in Maryska Saloon in Bohumin during the real exhibition of works of our local group of artists, in November 2009. Our real exhibition is formed to support the WM, too, and will be accompanied with other activities.
Interested people can publish their art on after registration. Or electronic versions of pieces can be sent directly to e-mail address:
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