The Invisibles against US missile defense
Celebration of world ethics in Helsinki

Finland Helsinki | June 01, 2009 00:25
The annual Helsinki multicultural festival "Global Village" was held on 23rd to the 24th of May. During the festival, WM organisers were actively promoting the World March.
The Celebration, held in front of the statue of the national author of Finland and the national theatre, consisted of members of diverse faiths and convictions, who each expressed their communities' version of the Golden Rule: the basis of a universal ethics. Each of the speakers was expressing their personal conviction rather than being formal authorities of their respective communities.
The communities represented included a Buddhist community, the Baha'i community, an Islamic faith community, the Unitarian Universalists, the Lutheran Church, a Christian Science community, the followers of Sri Mata Amritanandamayi ("Amma"), the Hinduism-inspired community Ananda Marga, and members of the Humanist Movement.
Banners of the diverse faith communities and of the World March for Peace and Nonviolence were present in the event.
The World March
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