The Invisibles against US missile defense
President Rafael Correa to resolutely promote Nonviolence
25.5.2009 - PRESSENZA - Pía Figueroa

In a 50 minute audience, today at 5pm, the President of Ecuador, economist Rafael Correa, spoke with much joy and fraternity to Rafael de la Rubia and Tomas Hirsch, to express his resolute commitment to the World March for Peace and Nonviolence.
Pressenza, Quito, 2009-05-22
Without formality, with a close and joyful attitude, the President of Ecuador, Rafael Correa, expressed his definitive support for the World without Wars' initiative, committing himself to receive the columns of peace marchers who will arrive from Colombia at the end of the year.

The Ministers of Education, Culture, Security and Heritage, also committed themselves to the project; their ministries being the ones who will take on responsibility to implement the Government's backing to the actions of the World March.
The meeting took place with jokes and laughter, finishing with a departure from the Plaza Grande terrace in Quito, where the people on the plaza started to spontaneously cheer for the President, showing the affection they have for him.
Pressenza, Quito, 2009-05-22
Without formality, with a close and joyful attitude, the President of Ecuador, Rafael Correa, expressed his definitive support for the World without Wars' initiative, committing himself to receive the columns of peace marchers who will arrive from Colombia at the end of the year.

The Ministers of Education, Culture, Security and Heritage, also committed themselves to the project; their ministries being the ones who will take on responsibility to implement the Government's backing to the actions of the World March.
The meeting took place with jokes and laughter, finishing with a departure from the Plaza Grande terrace in Quito, where the people on the plaza started to spontaneously cheer for the President, showing the affection they have for him.
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