The Invisibles against US missile defense
„What more important cause than peace could there be?“
18.5.2009 - PRESSENZA - Denisse Hanna

The President of Bolivia, Evo Morales, formalized his endorsement of the World March for Peace and Nonviolence in a meeting that took place with the Latin American spokesperson for Humanism, Tomas Hirsch.
Pressenza La Paz, 2009-05-15
“Of course we support the World March for Peace and Nonviolence… what more important cause than peace could there be?” asked the Bolivian President, Evo Morales, while formalizing his endorsement of the March in a meeting that took place yesterday, 14th of May, with the spokesperson for Humanism in Latin America, Tomas Hirsch.
President Morales was accompanied by Vice-Minister for Coordination and Territorial Management, Wilfredo Chavez and spokesperson for the Presidency, Ivan Canelas. In the meeting, Hirsch explained that “the World March wishes to generate a new consciousness, such as has been done in recent years in other fields – such as conservation of the environment – and that now is the time to generate a nonviolent culture that can lead to truly human conditions throughout the world”.
The President said that his government is committed to promoting peace and thereby it will support dissemination of the March and activities that are being developed. In turn he committed himself to give a video message with his endorsement of the March in the coming days.
The World March for Peace and Nonviolence will reach Bolivia on the 26th of December, passing through Desaguadero on the border with Peru and will hold a special event at the ceremonial center of Tiwanaku. Then, the Mayor of the city of El Alto, Fanor Nava, will receive the March in a special event; before the March finishes its stay in Bolivia with a central event in Government buildings in La Paz with the participation of the Bolivian President.
“Those of us who are carrying on this activity invite those who would like to join to have the March’s objectives clear: the reduction of weapons spending, the withdrawal of troops from occupied territories and the dismantling of nuclear weapons,” Hirsch emphasized to the press.
The Latin American Coordinator of the March, in turn, invited President Morales to take part in the journey to the Antarctic that will take place at the end of December to join this continent with the March and above all to participate in the final stretch that will conclude in Punta de Vacas in the foothills of Mount Aconcagua.
Besides the President, several personalities from the worlds of art, politics and culture from this country in the Andes have endorsed the March as is the case of Pablo Ramos, civil Governor of the La Paz region, who also formalized his endorsement today. The Governor expressed his support for the initiative, announcing that the start of the journey on the 2nd of October will be celebrated with a massive event to be held in the Hernando Siles Stadium in La Paz.
Pressenza La Paz, 2009-05-15
“Of course we support the World March for Peace and Nonviolence… what more important cause than peace could there be?” asked the Bolivian President, Evo Morales, while formalizing his endorsement of the March in a meeting that took place yesterday, 14th of May, with the spokesperson for Humanism in Latin America, Tomas Hirsch.
President Morales was accompanied by Vice-Minister for Coordination and Territorial Management, Wilfredo Chavez and spokesperson for the Presidency, Ivan Canelas. In the meeting, Hirsch explained that “the World March wishes to generate a new consciousness, such as has been done in recent years in other fields – such as conservation of the environment – and that now is the time to generate a nonviolent culture that can lead to truly human conditions throughout the world”.
The President said that his government is committed to promoting peace and thereby it will support dissemination of the March and activities that are being developed. In turn he committed himself to give a video message with his endorsement of the March in the coming days.
The World March for Peace and Nonviolence will reach Bolivia on the 26th of December, passing through Desaguadero on the border with Peru and will hold a special event at the ceremonial center of Tiwanaku. Then, the Mayor of the city of El Alto, Fanor Nava, will receive the March in a special event; before the March finishes its stay in Bolivia with a central event in Government buildings in La Paz with the participation of the Bolivian President.
“Those of us who are carrying on this activity invite those who would like to join to have the March’s objectives clear: the reduction of weapons spending, the withdrawal of troops from occupied territories and the dismantling of nuclear weapons,” Hirsch emphasized to the press.
The Latin American Coordinator of the March, in turn, invited President Morales to take part in the journey to the Antarctic that will take place at the end of December to join this continent with the March and above all to participate in the final stretch that will conclude in Punta de Vacas in the foothills of Mount Aconcagua.
Besides the President, several personalities from the worlds of art, politics and culture from this country in the Andes have endorsed the March as is the case of Pablo Ramos, civil Governor of the La Paz region, who also formalized his endorsement today. The Governor expressed his support for the initiative, announcing that the start of the journey on the 2nd of October will be celebrated with a massive event to be held in the Hernando Siles Stadium in La Paz.
Foto Rafael Edwards
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