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The Invisibles against US missile defense

Video: giant banner welcomed Obama in Prague: Yes we can

4.4.2009 - Humanist nonviolent Movement
Happening against

The Nonviolent Movement supports the Obama's nuclear disarmament policy and asks him to stop the "Star Wars" in Eastern Europe.

On the 4th and 5th, on the occasion of President Obama's visit. the Humanist Movement is organising many activities to show Obama the great opposition that there is in the Czech Republic towards the installation of a US military base.

"We will welcome the United States President and his policy of  disarmament", Jan Tamas said, "but we will show our firm intention to not accept military troops of foreign powers on our territory."

On Sunday the planned demonstration is "invisible". "The invisibles are more than 70% of the Czech population who don't want the military radar base, the invisibles are the 99% of the worldwide population that doesn't want war and aspires to peace," Tamas continued.

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