The Invisibles against US missile defense
India: Atul Pandey, Humanist Party Candidate to Parliament
28.3.2009 -

As a member of The Humanist Party of India, I, Atul Pandey will be the party's candidate to Parliament from Faizabad (U.P.) Constituency.
As a Humanist, working to Humanize India (as part of the project "Humanize the Earth"), my experience of selfless action is directed towards building the Humanist Party with the aim of taking charge of India, to build the India of our dreams, of every true Indian's dream.
India, the cradle of Peace and Non-violence, has lost its own Peace.
India needs & deserves Peace, Education and Prosperity for all its citizens; Freedom from Corrupt and Criminals who have taken over the field of Politics; Freedom from Poverty, Unemployment, Terrorism, Illnesses, and Drug-addiction; Freedom from insecurity of its citizens, from rapes and killings, & from all other forms of violence; Freedom from caste based discrimination; Freedom from religion based discrimination.
India that talks of multiple ethnicities needs to implement it in practice, in actual daily life.
The India that we dream of is the Nation that has its citizens leading a life of self-respect & dignity. A life whereby every Indian can proudly identify himself/herself as an Indian, first & foremost, above all other identities. An India that espouses the cause of Satyagraha, of peace & non-violence, and other Global players follow.
The time is ripe for this dream to turn into reality. The time has come for the citizens of India, to seriously rethink their decision of electing the same group of people, who come wearing suits of different parties in the garb of politicians, with the only intention to milk the resources of this country, not positively, rather for greed.
I hereby request my countrymen to give me & my party, the Humanist Party of India, a chance to serve this country of ours. Let us see if non-violent, democratic & peaceful methods still hold any meaning. I m sure, they do? Are you sure too?
As a Humanist, working to Humanize India (as part of the project "Humanize the Earth"), my experience of selfless action is directed towards building the Humanist Party with the aim of taking charge of India, to build the India of our dreams, of every true Indian's dream.
India, the cradle of Peace and Non-violence, has lost its own Peace.
India needs & deserves Peace, Education and Prosperity for all its citizens; Freedom from Corrupt and Criminals who have taken over the field of Politics; Freedom from Poverty, Unemployment, Terrorism, Illnesses, and Drug-addiction; Freedom from insecurity of its citizens, from rapes and killings, & from all other forms of violence; Freedom from caste based discrimination; Freedom from religion based discrimination.
India that talks of multiple ethnicities needs to implement it in practice, in actual daily life.
The India that we dream of is the Nation that has its citizens leading a life of self-respect & dignity. A life whereby every Indian can proudly identify himself/herself as an Indian, first & foremost, above all other identities. An India that espouses the cause of Satyagraha, of peace & non-violence, and other Global players follow.
The time is ripe for this dream to turn into reality. The time has come for the citizens of India, to seriously rethink their decision of electing the same group of people, who come wearing suits of different parties in the garb of politicians, with the only intention to milk the resources of this country, not positively, rather for greed.
I hereby request my countrymen to give me & my party, the Humanist Party of India, a chance to serve this country of ours. Let us see if non-violent, democratic & peaceful methods still hold any meaning. I m sure, they do? Are you sure too?
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