The Invisibles against US missile defense
Hiroshima Atomic Bomb Survivor Takashi Tanemori supports the World March

World March endorser: Takashi Tanemori
Hiroshima Atomic Bomb Survivor
Takashi Tanemori is one of the few survivors of the August 6th, 1945 atomic bombing of Hiroshima. The bomb fell as Takashi was playing hide and go seek with his classmates. He was eight years old and less than one mile away from ground zero.
As a result of the blast, Takashi lost his parents, a brother and sister and several other immediate family members. Takashi's father had been a Samurai. Because of the devastation both to Takashi's family and the society at large, Takashi's life became one of an Oyanashigo-a street urchin. He struggled to stay alive by searching waste sites and garbage cans for food.
Bound by his oath to avenge his father's death, Takashi spent many years hating both Japan for its icy treatment of war orphans and hating the US to killing his family and community. And then, years later, Takashi had an epiphany which helped him transform the hatred in his heart and begin devoting himself to fostering forgiveness. As he says in his own words:
"The result of these tribulations has been the greatest gift: a solution to human conflicts, a rite of passage created through forgiveness. My life story demonstrates how a heart twisted by hatred and revenge can be transformed by forgiveness, evolving to a path of peaceful wisdom and the essential work of healing human hearts.
My life mission and goal are rooted in my father's teaching: "live your life for the benefit of others. Then we will all benefit." I believe this universal principle is the key to living peacefully with each other.
As a survivor of Hiroshima, my firm belief is in a clear and simple message-we can settle individual human conflicts and differences of national enmity, ethnic hatred, and cultural divisiveness without resorting to violence or war. There need not be any endless cycle of revenge.
When we are able to conquer the raging war in our own hearts, one-by-one .(then) this inner transformation is much more powerful than any atomic weapon in shifting the world toward peace. I believe that inner transformation can make nuclear weapons and war fall by the wayside!"
Takashi lives in California with his Guide Dog, Yuki (in Japanese meaning falling snow under moonlight). Takashi is an artist, a poet and author of Hiroshima-Bridge to Forgiveness.
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