The Invisibles against US missile defense
VIDEO: British MPs call for debate on U.S. missile shield
A growing number of European politicians are voicing fears over the U.S. deployment of a missile shield all across the continent. More than 50 British MPs have called for a public debate into an issue which many fear could result in a new global arms race.
Yahoo StumbleUpon Google Live Technorati Scoop Digg Sphinn Furl Reddit The British government has already given permission for two bases on British territory, but now more than 70 senior Labour Party figures, including over 50 MPs, are questioning the wisdom of the move.
They took action after a new poll showed almost two thirds of people asked about the system said it would make the country less secure.
The latest opinion poll shows an increasing number in Britain oppose the project, with 61% against it compared to 54% last year.
The Americans say they need the bases to protect themselves against so called rogue states, such as Iran and, previously, North Korea. But after the US engaged North Korea it stopped being such a concern for them.
As well as the UK bases, America has also agreed deals for similar sites in Poland and the Czech Republic.
But the longest serving MP in the House of Commons, Tam Dalyell, says it is an unnecessary scheme.
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