The Invisibles against US missile defense
18th February: News from Bruxelles and other cities

Here you can find news from events in Bruxelles and other cities. This page will be updated during the day.
Last update: 4.05 AM, February 19, 2009.
Report from Florence
On February, Monday 16th; the press conference have been introduced by the president of the council for peace Lorenzo Marzullo. Betty Cirocco, reference of MSG and Tiziana Santinelli as Comunità per lo Sviluppo Umano, both exponents of the Comitato Promotore of Tuscany, have spoken at the conference. There was the press responsible of City of Florence and the local network "Tutto Radio". An interview is avilable on the web at A letter about nuclear disarmament to be delivered to the Mayor of Florence has been given to the city council.
On Wensday 18th at 4pm a group of "Invisible men" have met in Piazza Signoria. Many photographers and a locl TV (ITALIA 7) did report the event with interviews. At 5pm a "Flash Mob" have been realized with a simulation of nuclear attack and atomic dead. The president of the city council was present to give his support to the event.
"The Invisibles" in Budapest
February 18, 2009, Budapest (Hungary).

"The Invisibles" in Bruxelles
February 18, 2009, Bruxelles (Belgium).
"The Invisibles" in Milan
February 18, 2009, Milan (Italy).
"The Invisibles" in Rome
February 18, 2009, Rome (Italy). A group of people demonstrated against the setting up of american weapons in Czech Republic. Masked as ghosts, they walked across the city holding placards. Finally they stopped in one of the most well-known squares of Rome.
"The Invisibles" in Florence
February 18, 2009, Florence (Italy). In Florence about 50 people have done a flash mob in Signoria's place to protest against NMD in solidarity with today's activities in Bruxelles.
"The Invisibles" walked through Berlin
Press conference in Trieste
Program for Wednesday, February 18 in Brussels:
- 10:00 first rally outside the European Parliament (Luxembourg Plaza)
- 12:00 meeting of delegation with the members of the Belgian Senate
- 14:00 main demonstration and event “The invisibles” (Luxembourg Plaza)
- 14:45 Jan Tamas (Nonviolence Movement) and Josef Vondrasek (Mayor of Rozmital) will speak at the GUE/NGL meeting in the European Parliament
- 15:30 meeting of delegation with MEP Jill Evans
- 16:00 meeting of delegation with vice-president of the EP Luisa Morgantini
- 16:30 – 18:00 public hearing in European Parliament, building ASP, room 1G3
- 19:00 departure of the 3 buses back to Prague
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