The Invisibles against US missile defense
World March for Peace in Liberia

Dear Friends,
some news from Liberia. Today we recorded an endorsment video with the Madame Minister of Gender, I attached some photos, the video will follow.
We also have a video message with one of the representatives from the Parliament.
Several civil organizations/leaders joined like the Civil Society Movement, LINNK ( federation of Liberian NGOs), FLY (Federation of Liberian Youth).
We were in a radio talk show for 30 minutes.
For next week we have appointments with universities and the Minister of Education, and WEPNET ( Women for Peace Network - it's an international organization, they have branches also in the neighbour countries).
Usually we use the videomessage of the President of Chile, and it is very inspiring, gives a very high level to the March.
At the beginning of March here will be a huge forum about women issues called Colloquium. Many women organizations and personalities will participate and not only from Liberia. We have the green light from the Gender Minister to make a presentation about the WM there. President Bachelete supposed to come also to this event, but it seems she cannot make it...
Monika S. - Humanist Movement
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